Morning showers. High 17°C. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 km/h. Chance of rain 30%.
Partly cloudy. Low 8°C. Winds W and variable.
Generally clear. High 17°C. Winds WNW and variable.
Mostly cloudy. Low 10°C. Winds WSW and variable.
Cloudy. High 18°C. Winds NW and variable.
Generally clear. Low 10°C. Winds W and variable.
Generally clear. High 18°C. Winds NNW and variable.
Partly cloudy. Low 10°C. Winds WNW and variable.
Generally clear. High 17°C. Winds N and variable.
Generally clear. Low 9°C. Winds W and variable.
Partly cloudy. High 17°C. Winds N and variable.
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